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Theories: 4

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Cognitive dissonance theory aims to explain the relationships between the motivation, perceptions and cognitions of an individual.

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Social Exchange Theory

Social exchange theory explains the social behaviour in dyadic and collective relations by applying a principle of a cost-benefit analysis of relations.

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Technology Acceptance Model

The technology acceptance model (TAM) explains the acceptance of information systems by individuals. TAM postulates that the acceptance of technology is predicted by the users’ behavioural intention, which is, in turn, determined by the perception of technology usefulness in performing the task and perceived ease of its use.

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Upper Echelons Theory

The Upper Echelons Theory postulates that the idiosyncratic characteristics (e.g., cognitive base and values) of a firm’s top-level managers play a key role in explaining and/or predicting strategic decisions and organisational performance. Top-level managers’ cognitive base and values exert influence on how they interpret strategic situations, shaping their decisions and resulting in market and financial performance outcomes.

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